“We're not just welcoming you as allies, but as family”
Why The Rainbow Warrior is back in the Marshall Islands 40 years on.
#NuclearJustice #ClimateJustice #Pacific #MarshallIslands #Greenpeace

“We're not just welcoming you as allies, but as family”
Why The Rainbow Warrior is back in the Marshall Islands 40 years on.
#NuclearJustice #ClimateJustice #Pacific #MarshallIslands #Greenpeace
Dans un rapport de février 2025 :
Le maintien de la paix sociale constitue depuis plus de deux siècles la priorité de l’action préfectorale, ce qui n’est pas sans conséquences sur les relations avec la profession agricole. Comme l’analyse Luc Rouban, directeur de recherche au CNRS, depuis 1992 et la politique de déconcentration, toutes les responsabilités locales de l’État sont placées sur le préfet, “qui devient, outre ses fonctions traditionnelles de gardien de la sécurité et de l’État, le garant du développement économique, de la paix sociale et même de la réforme administrative”. Globalement, on constate que si l’institution préfectorale n’est que peu sensible à l’urgence environnementale, elle est en revanche très habituée aux négociations directes avec les représentants de l’agriculture productiviste.
En novembre 2023, le média Politico a d’ailleurs relevé qu’un certain nombre de préfets (Deux-Sèvres, Isère, Vienne, Charente-Maritime) ont été incités financièrement à la mise en œuvre de bassines, via des objectifs dans leurs feuilles de route préfectorales concernant la construction de réserves pour certains (avec des objectifs chiffrés), ou l’avancée des projets de protocoles pour d’autres. Or, les feuilles de route préfectorales fixent des objectifs qui sont autant de critères pour la part variable du complément indemnitaire annuel des préfets, qui peut monter jusqu’à 25 000 euros.
731 #ClimateSolutions are ther #JustImplement them #GreenPeace
To all of our shame this video is 2 yrs old !
"Climate solutions are here! Let’s go!" [4:56 min]
by Greenpeace International
Quote by GI:
"Apr 13, 2022
The world’s leading climate scientists, convened by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their latest assessment on the mitigation of climate change on 4 April 2022. The findings are alarming: despite all climate action to date, global emissions keep growing, and not a single country is yet doing enough. But that’s not the full story.
In this video we focus on the good news: Solutions are here, and ready to be deployed, if governments give them a real chance, respecting the rights and needs of those with least responsibility and capability to act.
Action will be needed to curb all greenhouse gas emissions, with a focus on the critical decade between now and 2030. In this video, the CO2 reduction curve is highlighted, as CO2 is the gas that warms the climate the most, dominates the level of long-term warming and needs to reach net zero the fastest (by mid-century). The path for all greenhouse gases (GHG) would look very similar, albeit with varying assumptions on when and if net-zero is achieved."
For More Info:
-> greenpeace.org/international/story/53021/6-things-ipcc-climate-solutions-report/ <-
#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside #StopThePlunder
#ClimateBreakDown #StopRapingNature
Monster fishing vessels are hoovering up whole ecosystems in UK waters that are supposed to be protected. I just signed a petition calling on the new government to save our seas from destructive fishing, by banning supertrawlers in UK Marine Protected Areas. Will you join me?
Greenpeace exige el abandono definitivo de la energía nuclear y la apuesta por un sistema energético seguro y 100 % renovable
Para la organización ecologista, cualquier inversión en nucleares es invertir en energía del pasado, socializar las pérdidas tras haber privatizado los beneficios y endeudar a las generaciones presentes y futuras.
En España, la única manera de progresar hacia un sistema seguro y 100 % renovable es continuar con el actual calendario de cierre y desmantelamiento del parque nuclear.
#Fukushima #nuclear @greenpeace #greenpeace
We now have a page for the Seamount Expedition!
Follow along the mission to survey and document the beauty and richness of the seamounts in the depths of the Tasman Sea, as well as the destruction caused by the bottom trawling industry.
Soms moet je gewoon in de weg staan
16:12 | Greenpeace
#Greenpeace #Protest #Brand #Planeet #Actievoerders
À tous les fans du nucléaire qui affirment que l'énergie atomique assure l'indépendance énergétique de la France.
#WinonaLaDuke: #DAPLPipeline Lawsuit Against #Greenpeace Aims to Silence #IndigenousProtests Too
#Greenpeace on Trial: Lawsuit over #StandingRockProtests Could Shutter Group & Chill #FreeSpeech
Most jurors in #US pipeline case against #Greenpeace have #fossilfuel industry ties | #DakotaAccesspipeline | The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/27/greenpeace-dapl-jurors #DAPL
Greenpeace/Communiqué, le 24 février 2025
Menacée par une procédure-bâillon, Greenpeace USA entame un procès pour sa survie
#proceduresbaillons #greenpeace #urgenceclimatique
Damit Ihr mit denen solidarisch sein könnt, die direkt angegriffen werden in der kleinen Anfrage der CDU, hier aufgelistet:
#Correctiv (die mit der AfD Recherche), Omas gegen Rechts, #Campact, #Attac, die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Peta, Animal Rights Watch, Foodwatch, Dezernat Zukunft, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Agora Agrar, Agora Energiewende, #Greenpeace, #BUND, Netzwerk Recherche, Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen, Delta1, Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit.
Dispatches from Joye: The Beginning of #Resistance to #DakotaAccessPipeline, Spring of 2016
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Feb. 25, 2025
MANDAN, North Dakota -- "We travel back in time to the beginning of the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Jury selection is underway in the case of #EnergyTransfer v #Greenpeace and #RedWarriorSociety, and oral arguments are to begin tomorrow, in #NorthDakota District Court.
"Energy Transfer, the owner of Dakota Access Pipeline, seeks to erase the fact that this is, and has always been, an #Indigenous-led movement, Greenpeace said.
"On March 29, 2016 -- five months before hundreds, and then thousands arrived at the Standing Rock camps -- #JoyeBraun, #CheyenneRiverLakota, sent Censored News the announcement of the resistance.
"'It must be stopped,' Joye said in the media statement.
"#LaDonnaBravebullAllard, working then in the #StandingRock #HistoricPreservationOffice, released the statement with Joye.
"The headline read, 'Tribal Citizens Rise Up Against #BakkenOilPipeline: #HorseRide and #SpiritualCamp to be Held Along Proposed Route of Dakota Access Pipeline.'
"With the dateline of Cannonball, the statement says, 'On April 1st, 2016, tribal citizens of the #StandingRockLakota Nation and ally #Lakota, #Nakota, and #Dakota citizens, under the group name
Chante tin'sa kinanzi Po will have a #HorseRide to celebrate the founding of a #SpiritCamp that will be erected along the proposed route of the Bakken oil pipeline, Dakota Access."
#StandWithStandingRock #WaterIsLife #NoDAPL #KelcyWarren #Trump #StandWithStandingRock #BigOil #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #EnvironmentalRacism #StandingRock #SLAPPs #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife #SLAPPsLawsuits #SilencingDissent #ACAB #EnergyTransfer #UnicornRiot
Update :-): Landgericht Leipzig erlässt einstweilige Verfügung gegen CDU wegen Falsch-Behauptung, Campact organisiere mit Steuergeldern Demos gegen CDU:
(s.a. https://archive.is/pOWTx)
Unglaublich: Merz CDU als erstes nach der Wahl: Angriff gegen engagierte Zivilgesellschaft / Organisationen, die für Demos gegen Rechts die letzten Wochen aufgerufen haben. (#Brandmauer; offene Feldschlacht 2.0?...Vorgeschmack auf 4 Jahre, AfD freut sich schon..). Gift für die Demokratie:
Kleine Anfrage der CDU "Politische Neutralität staatlich geförderter Organisationen" aka in Fragestellung der staatlichen Finanzierung / Gemeinnützigkeit von Omas gegen Rechts, Correctiv, #Campact, #Attac, #Peta, #Foodwatch, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, #Greenpeace, #Agora, Netzwerk Recherche u.v.m.
Anfrage (pdf): https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/150/2015035.pdf
(Referenziert darin wird Welt-Artikel #Springer)
Stellungnahme von #correctiv: https://correctiv.org/in-eigener-sache/2025/02/26/kleine-anfrage-der-unionsfraktion-zu-ngo-unsere-antworten-auf-die-fragen-zu-correctiv/
So beginnt es:
In der "kleinen" Anfrage der #CDUCSU Fraktion wird mit 551! Unterstellungen die Legitimität und Bezuschussung pro-demokratischer, anti-faschistischer Bewegungen und Klima-/Naturschutz-Organisationen in Frage gestellt.
#greenpeace #bund #OmasgegenRechts #peta #foodwatch #amadeuantoniostiftung #attac #campact #correctiv werden hier unter vielen anderen aufgelistet.
Da steht sie drin, die bunte Vielfalt.
Da geht sie hin, durch grobe Einfalt.
Ten years after the Indigenous-led protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline, representatives from Greenpeace International and two Greenpeace entities in the USA have arrived at court to fight a meritless lawsuit brought by US oil company Energy Transfer.
Greenpeace organisations begin trial defense against Energy Transfer’s SLAPP
https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/press-release/greenpeace-organisations-begin-trial-defense-against-energy-transfers-slapp/?utm_medium=share&utm_content=postid-68552&utm_source=mastodon #greenpeace #slapp #climatelitigation #law #environment #dakota #usa #climatechange